Skin Tightening Specialist

Aesthetic Medical Spa & Injectables located in Frederick, MD

Skin Tightening Specialist
Skin Tightening services offered in Frederick, MD

Your skin loses its strength and elasticity as you get older due to a slowdown in collagen production, leading to loose, saggy skin. Frederick Med Spa offers skin tightening treatments for the face and body using innovative aesthetic tools that stimulate collagen production, restoring your skin’s youthful strength and elasticity. Schedule a skin tightening consultation at the aesthetic medical spa by calling the office in Frederick, Maryland, or booking an appointment online today.

What is skin tightening?

Skin tightening is a nonsurgical aesthetic treatment for lax, loose skin. As you get older, collagen production in the dermal layer of your skin slows down. Collagen is the protein in your skin that keeps it strong and resilient. Without collagen, your skin thins and sags. 

Not too long ago, plastic surgery was the only treatment for loose, saggy skin. But with advances in aesthetic technology, there are many innovative tools that can restore your skin's youthful look and strength without surgery.


Frederick Med Spa offers skin tightening for the face and body, using innovative tools from InMode™. 

What are the skin tightening tools?

Frederick Med Spa uses Evoke and the Evolve line of skin tightening tools from InMode.


Evoke is a skin tightening tool for the face, chin, and neck. It uses radiofrequency energy to heat the deep layers of your skin, stimulating the production of collagen. Frederick Med Spa uses Evoke to treat the jowls and neck, creating a more defined look.

Evolve Tite®

Frederick Med Spa uses Evolve Tite to tighten loose skin on the body. Evolve Tite delivers radiofrequency energy to the deep layers of your skin, stimulating collagen production, and improving your skin’s strength and tone. 

With Evolve Tite, Frederick Med Spa reshapes your body without surgery or downtime.

Evolve Trim®

Evolve Trim reduces the appearance of cellulite. It uses a combination of technologies, including radiofrequency energy, deep tissue heating, and vacuum pulsing, to break up the fibrous and fatty tissue under your skin, creating a smoother look.

Evolve Tone®

For stronger muscles, Frederick Med Spa uses Evolve Tone. This innovative body contouring device uses electromagnetic pulses that cause involuntary muscle contractions. These muscle contractions stimulate a muscle-building workout, improving muscle size and growth.

What type of skin tightening do I need?

Frederick Med Spa can determine what type of skin tightening you need after an initial consultation. The provider asks detailed questions about your concerns and beauty goals. They review your medical history and examine your skin.

Then, together, you decide what skin tightening treatments can help you reach your goals. The skin tightening tools available at Frederick Med Spa are painless and require no downtime. Your provider may recommend a series of sessions to get the best results.

For face and body skin tightening, call Frederick Med Spa or schedule an appointment online today.